「ZA SHARE Youth雜學青」是給年輕人的展覽,今年提出《喧嘩、珊瑚、什錦麵》展覽主題,雜學團隊認為「當各種主題和人們走在一起時,最意想不到的學習就會發生」,刪掉原本枯燥嚴肅的教育展標籤,沒有禁止喧嘩的標語,有的是像珊瑚一樣豔麗而無私的存在,及像市井生活的什錦麵一樣豐富與包容。雜學青是一個超有態度,超狂,超好玩,集結各種文化議題、學習提升、自我實現與想像探索的創新內容,用大家的倡議理念與想法盡情的喧嘩不停,自由想像各種生命的可能,雜學青就是分享多元學習的野生實验場。
ZA SHARE Youth is an exhibition for young people. This year, the theme of the exhibition is "Noise, Coral, Assorted Noodles", and the team at ZA SHARE Youth believes that "when various themes and people come together, the most unexpected learning will happen". It is as rich and tolerant as the noodles of the city life. It is an innovative content that combines various cultural issues, learning enhancement, self-realization, and imagination exploration, and uses everyone's proposed ideas and thoughts to make as much noise as possible and freely imagine various possibilities of life.