
TRANS Conf. 2017


YongLin Health Foundation


Golden Pin Design Award 2018



In the 15th century, Europeans broadened human kinds’ horizons by The Age of Discovery. Today, in the 21st century, we Asians are opening up a new era by exploring the industry of biomedical entrepreneurship, leading countless innovators to challenge the unknown. With the multi industrial, interdisciplinary point of view, we are marching towards the new land of AI, precision medicine, and much more.

As the leader of this age, our mission is to insert the spirit of adventure into the DNA of Taiwanese entrepreneurs, enabling them to reform the biomedical innovation trend and development in Asia. We hope to show people what we are capable of, and once again, amaze the world of this incredible Formosa.

Through TRANS Conference, H. Spectrum creates a platform where entrepreneurs, experts, investors, and students can exchange their ideas and learn from one another.

推動亞洲生醫新創圈的趨勢與發展並推廣從01的創新、創意與創業。臺灣聚集了全球最頂尖的健康醫療人才,快速變化的環境與使用者需求,是青年翻轉生醫創業的最佳場域。透過TRANS生醫論壇,我們H. Spectrum建立了一個創業家、專家、投資者及學生能相互交流的平台。